Saturday, August 30, 2008

Head lights

Cameron and Brian have been talking for a while
about putting some headlights on their gocart.

Cameron is happy about finally getting some lights.

Well, now the head lights are on and working
so they won't have to put the gocart away when
night time comes. :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Water Day!

Last Saturday was "Water Day" at bus church.
We have it once a year and the kids hear a sermon,
and take turns eating lunch while some of the others
play in the water.

Cameron had a ball playing on the small blow up water slide.


Celine and Destany

Kendra and Cameron
We had to keep watering the big slide so everyone
would go down smoothly.

Cameron had a ball playing with the water guns.

Jermey, Gary, and Justin

The teenagers got in on the fun too.

Celine helping her sister Carissa down the slide.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's Back

We finally got our go-cart back! It's been in
the shop for a simple oil leak for 2 months
all because they said that they couldn't
get the right parts for it. But we finally
got tired of it and took it to the place that
we bought it and they just gave us a new
one to replace the other one. Yay!
I'm glad that all this happened while
it was still under warranty.
So, all day we have been riding it around
and this one isn't giving a hint of trouble.

Cameron in the mist of telling me what he saw

in the field. "Giant grasshoppers"

This is my cat 'Grey'

He's just watching the whole deal glad that

they aren't chasing him.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

This was my latest cake that I was asked
to make. MawMaw Birt asked for
a john deere cake for her husband.
I thought it was cute that she wanted
MowMan put on it.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Some of the kids at line-up.
Some of the songs that were sung were too
loud for Cam and the other little ones.
"The wize man built his house upon the rock..."
The 5 year old class

Thursday was popcicle day
And the fire trucks were back!

Levi and Celine
All the kids took turns climbing on top of the fire truck.
Take a look at the girls penny bucket
And now the boys bucket!
Needless to say that the boys won this year.

Little Katrina holding the american flag.
She was the yungest ever to carry a flag.
Friday was hotdog day!
Brian was able to be on first shift during the
week so he could be at VBS.
Cameron and his 4 year old class.

Faith with her little bundle of candy.

Cameron was enjoying himself at the closing assymbly.

And another beautiful sunset.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Catching Up

Well, I'm going to try to do a couple days of catching
up here. So here goes!
This week is Vacation Bible School at our church.
The theme this year is "911 Jesus to the Rescue".
We didn't get to make it there Monday night but
we did Tues. and Wed. nights so far.
I usually help out with the snacks outside but
this year I just couldn't handle it because it
was just SO hot (almost 100 degrees) every day.
So, this year I have been helping with the 5 year old
class which my friend Kristi was teaching.
Tues. night we had 20 kids and last night we had
16 5 year old show up. Tonight we are supposed
to do a project that has something to do with paint
so I know that it will be messy!

When everyone shows up they all have to line up
outside of the auditorium by their age groups.
Here are some of the 4year olds and the 5 year old.
Don't they look sweet!
(Naomi, Cameron, Malachi & Celine)
Now, here is how they usually are! LOL
Alanna, Hope and one of our visitors (that I can't remember)
Inside the auditorium for first assembly.
All the kids were looking forward to seeing the puppets!

Cameron had a ball this time too.
Two little girls and Emily were also captivated.
All this one needs is a orange shirt
and he would be Charley Brown

Mrs. Janet has fun anywhere she goes! LOL
This night they had a fire truck from a local
department come in for all the kids
to see, and touch, and crawl all over...

Celine holding the flag while we said the pledges.

Cameron's 4 year old class. This will be his new class next year.

They were all looking at something out the window.

But it turned out to be a praying mantis inside the window.

Yesterday they made visors that said VBS and

had all kinds of stickers on it.

Cameron and DaddyAnd keeping with the "Rescue" theme, we had

a few men from the National Guard come with a

real 'Army' hummer. (As Cam would say).

Levi and Cameron during snack time.

(I didn't leave my camera inside like last time)

Naomi and one of our visitors
Jude and
Joel C. don't they just look mischievous?
And of course they all had to get inside 'Army Truck'

This is one of the 'candy guns' that the guys made.
When they shoot it, candy goes flying through
the air and the kids go crazy getting it all.

We had a surprise for our 5 year olds.

Mrs. Kristi had bought some water guns!

It was funny cause once they got their guns
they seemed like they all turned on her. LOL

Jude and Joel fit right in

Faith L.
and Faith L.
and Faith L. this little one is a mess!
the 2 year olds
3 and 4 and 5 year olds during final assembly.