Sunday, June 15, 2008


Tonight at church we had some missionaries to the Philippines
with us. They are just newlyweds and are working on going
back to the Philippines to bring the gospel to their own people.
The also sang a few songs but I was only able to get one on video
because they sang their first song while we were still in the orchestra.
But at the end of the service, preacher had them come sing one more
song and while they sang we took an offering to help fix their car.
Before the service preacher found out that their car had broken
down and was going to have someone try to fix it for them. So,
they were in need of some money to pay for it so they could
contiune in their deputation. I hope that you like this song.
It's called "Someone is praying for you".


Kristi said...

I'm glad you posted the video. I didn't get to hear them for being in the nursery. As a matter of fact, because I was in the nursery, I didn't hear ANYTHING but "Fish pweeeeze and tank you?"



CNA Momma said...

I love the froggie and Camron fun! Too Funny! The missionaries were a blessing Sunday.