Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prayer Wall

What do you do with all the prayer cards
that you get? The ones that I'm fortunate
to get I put on the side of my frige.
That way while I'm doing things at the
sink or peeling veggies, or just putting
away dishes I can glance up there and
say a quick prayer for our missionaries.
I know that there are many more that
are out there, but these are just
a few that I have got.

~Pray for our missionaries~


Kristi said...

Some of ours are on the fridge. Some in our Bibles. Some in frequently read books. Some in drawers. Some on the fridge. Etc, etc...that way, whenever I "find" one, I can say a prayer. And I don't see how anyone can take one home and just throw it away. It's like Brother RJ said the other night, "They live on prayer."


Taylor Brooke ;) said...

Have have given you an award.. go check out my blog for the details..