Sunday, February 10, 2008

Between Tuesday and Sunday

Hey Everybody,
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a few days.
Well, I'll try to catch up now.
Cameron, still had just a little touch of sickness but
we went to church anyway and got a blessing.
This was a picture of the sunset on the way to church.
Now Thursday was a work day at the fellowship building
to get things ready for our Valentine's banquet.
These are a few of the animals we pass on our way.

Well, we did have some time to goof off while we worked.
Kristi and Pam
I ain't going to post any pictures of what we're woking
on so it will be a surprise. But I will post some afterwards. =o)

Friday was our eat-out day. We like to go to ShowMars
in Shelby, and today there just happened to be a
big o'l fire truck in the parking lot. So, Cameron had to go see it.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Little boys love big trucks, don't they?

I love sheep...we have a herd of them up the road from us and I get excited when I see them out.
